Biggest Delivery Ever
I recently delivered 44 Project Linus blankets to Changing Tides Family Services. The blanket sizes ranged in from infant to teen. This agency serves many children and their families and provides a variety of supportive services. I was happy to see these blankets in a place where they will be connected to a child. Here is a photo of this delivery:
I now have one blanket in my inventory, but I know that it will soon be joined by other finished Project Linus blankets. Our chapter is now 9 months old and balancing blanket inventory and blanket deliveries takes a bit of coordination. I decided months ago that I’d rather have a few blankets on hand than dozens because the blankets need to be wrapped around a kid not bagged up in my sewing room!
To date our Humboldt County Project Linus Chapter has delivered 226 blankets to 12 local agencies who work with children and their families. We are so pleased to be able to help these agencies with the work they do. As I made this delivery a staff person said: “Everyone needs a blanket to cuddle up in!”