How You Can Help

How You Can Help Humboldt Project Linus

Project Linus depends on the generosity of others for support. Besides donations of blankets made by our blanketeers, monetary donations help our local chapters and our national headquarters.

When making a financial donation, your check should be made out to:

Project Linus National Headquarters
PO Box 1548
Belton, Mo. 64012

Please specify that you want the Humboldt County Chapter of Project Linus to benefit from your donation. You can write Humboldt Co. Project Linus on the memo line of your check. 80% of your donation will be held in an account for our use. Our chapter will be able to purchase blanket making supplies as well as other chapter operation expenses with these donations

You can also make an online donation at:

The donation section provides information and an online form to do so. If you are making your donation to benefit our local chapter, please specify the following in the areas provided:

Chapter Coordinator: Nancy Corral
Chapter Name: Humboldt Project Linus.


Fabric Donations:  We welcome donations of fabric for children’s quilts.  The fabric should be clean and odor free.  The minimum size of a fabric donation is a fat quarter or 1/2 of a yard.  We do not accept holiday fabric or religious themed fabric.  We do use fleece for backing of quilt tops. Fleece should be a minimum of one yard in length by 44 inches or larger.  If you have any questions regarding a fabric donation you can call the Chapter Coordinator at; 707-444-2473.