Thank You Masons!
On March 16th I received a check for $500.00 from the Humboldt Lodge No. 79. The Masons make contributions to local non-profits and we were fortunate enough to be selected as a recipient.
This donation followed the old adage of: third time is a charm. I had written two other grant requests both of which were declined. I wrote the Masons in February sharing information about the mission of Project Linus and our blanket progress to date. Our Humboldt Chapter has donated over 260 blankets to 12 organizations who work with youth from birth to age 18. The funding we hoped to receive would be used for blanket making supplies in 2019.
I am very grateful that our local Masonic Lodge No. 79 supports our mission. As the Chapter Coordinator, I am responsible for fundraising for our Humboldt Chapter. I want our volunteers to put their energy into blanket making and not worry about fundraising. This generous donation will be used for blanket making supplies and I look forward to delivering more blankets in 2019. Our sincere thanks to our local Masons for contributing to our work!