Blanketeers Unite
The first meeting of Humboldt Project Linus was held today at the Bunny Hop Quilt Shop. Fifteen people attended and shared their interest in this project. Project Linus attracts people with big hearts, creative spirits and the desire to do something for another person-in this case a local child in need of a blanket hug. I know this group will make beautiful blankets and have fun along the way.
After the meeting, I received the first blanket for our chapter made by another blanketeer -not me! It is a beautiful quilt made with happy, animal fabric and it is the perfect weight for a young child. This blanket is most special as it was made by my good friend, Mary. Mary was the first person to say she’d be a blanketeer for our chapter when I met with her a few months ago. Thank you Mary!
Another thanks to Brigitte Fleck, shop owner. Besides offering us monthly meeting space, Brigitte has offered us a once a month gathering time to make blankets. Our first sew-in or knit-in will be held on Sat. May 19th between 10am and 5pm. People can bring their own machines-she also has some-to work on blanket projects. If you do not sew, bring your blanket project and enjoy spending time creating blankets with others. You can bring snacks/lunch as there is a kitchen. Please RSVP to Brigitte via her e-mail ( or phone (497-6356) by May 16th so she will know how many to accomodate.
I knew we could create a strong Project Linus Chapter here and today was proof of that. Blanketeers are uniting!