Blanketeers Set A Record!
At our March 30th Saturday Blanket Day, 54 blankets were turned in by our small, but mighty group of blanketers! You can see some of the beautiful blankets that were made here. This is the most blankets donated in a day since our beginnings in May 2018. And, as you can see, they pretty much filled up my car: front seat, middle seat and cargo area all full of lovely blankets.
There were teen size blankets, youth sized blankets and ones made for toddlers and infants. Some were quilted, some were crocheted and some were made of fleece with a crocheted edge. So many blanket styles and all just perfect for the child who will receive it.
When I see these blankets, it makes me smile. I feel so thankful for our Humboldt Project Linus Chapter which is comprised of so many talented and generous blanket makers. Seeing blankets made here and distributed to children in need in our community only confirms my belief held one year ago. And that was that our county could support a Project Linus Chapter because of the people who live here. I could not coordinate this chapter without our blanketeers who make this all possible!