Bug Jars
Those of you familiar with the quilting world know that quilt blocks often have names: Flying Geese, Log Cabin, Windmill, Attic Window, Maple Leaf and many more. At our last Blanket Sew Day, we made Bug Jars! Two of our Blanketeers collected bug fabric, jar and lid fabric, cut the shapes and presented them to our group to stitch up.
One of the fun and interesting aspects of our Project Linus Chapter, has been teaching and sharing quilt techniques. This sharing and sewing has lead to assembling quilts with blocks made by 8-10 people. Blocks are made, stitched together, quilted with batting and backing and bound by one volunteer. We did a Wonky Block quilt, a few Strip Quilts, a Disappearing Block quilt and now a Bug Jar quilt.
Here are some photos of the fabrics we worked with, some assembled bug jars and a bug jar quilt top ready to be “assembled.”
Soon to be added to this post will be the finished Bug Jar quilt!