Finding a Meeting Place
Finding a meeting place was like Goldilocks and the Three Bears…one place was too expensive, one place could not schedule a recurring date, but the third place was just perfect.
As mentioned in About Us, I called Brigitte Fleck, owner of The Bunny Hop Quilt Shop in Eureka, and she warmly embraced the new Project Linus (PL) chapter. And by warmly, I mean she offered us an ongoing meeting time each month in her lovely sewing studio as an in-kind gift. She also suggested other ways she could support the project with potential Make-A-Blanket Days, possible fabric donations from people downsizing their fabric collections and being a blanket drop off location for completed blankets.
Brigitte is exactly the kind of Humboldt County person I knew was here: creative and generous! Our first meeting will be May 1st at 2:30 pm and will be continuing on the 1st Tues. of each month/same time/same place.