• Blanket Chronicles

    Soroptimist International of Humboldt Bay Continue Their Support

    On May 19th, 2024 our Project Linus Chapter received a grant award from Soroptimist International of Humboldt Bay (SIHB) for $500.00 which was what we had requested in our 2024 grant application. SIHB has been an annual funding supporter since 2020.  The funds they donate are spent on blanket making supplies which helps our chapter to continue donating new, handmade blankets to agencies in our community working with children in need of a blanket hug. The award letter stated that SIHB had received “an unprecedented amount of grant requests this year” so we are quite pleased to be granted this award.  In addition to the award, we our grateful for…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    Happy 6th Birthday to Us!

    Six years ago in May 2018, we held our first meeting of Project Linus Humboldt.  We met at the Bunny Hop Quilt Shop. The Times Standard published an article about our new chapter inviting interested people to attend.  I was so pleased to see about 12 people show up.  Their enthusiasm and blanket ideas foreshadowed the promise of a small, but mighty chapter! We met at the Bunny Hop Quilt Shop every month until March 2020 when the pandemic shut the world down.  Things were closed, but that did not stop our chapter from making and delivering blankets to children in our community needing a blanket hug.  While wearing masks…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    Coast Central Credit Union Delivers Once Again

    Our blanket thanks to Coast Central Credit Union (CCCU) for their unwavering support of our Project Linus Humboldt Chapter. CCCU has been a supporter for the past six years. Their support is both financial and personal as they express their respect for our blanket making and all of the blanket deliveries we do for children in our community. With their funding we purchase batting in bulk with helps our blanket makers to get batting at no cost to them.  We also reimburse blanket makers for thread, yarn, and fabric that they purchase throughout the year. As the Chapter Coordinator, I am responsible for fundraising a minimum of $500. per calendar…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    2023 Blanket Report and End of Year Grant

    Our Project Linus Humboldt chapter is closing in on the end of another year of community blanket donations to children in need of a blanket hug.  In 2023, our chapter made 482 blankets and we delivered 475 blankets to local agencies working with families and their children. We met every month this year at Buttons in Old Town and every month I drove off with another stellar blanket haul! The photo below is an example of one of those hauls! 54 blankets came in this month with 41 of those blankets going to children living in local family shelters. Most of the blankets made are quilts and agency staff continue…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    Thankful for Our Blanketeers

    I am not quite sure where the summer went as we are now well into fall.  Summer is our 3rd reporting quarter for Project Linus Headquarters.  In that quarter our Blanketeers made 110 blankets and we delivered 114 blankets to local agencies working with young children. 25 blankets went to children under the age of 8 years living in Betty Chinn’s Family Shelters.  25 blankets went to very young children, some with special needs, who were adjusting to Pre-Kindergarten.  Their teachers realized that 4 year olds need to nap and they were helped to do so with a comforting blanket.  Blankets also went to teens living in the Youth Service…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    Celebrating Our Humboldt Chapter

    This May marks our 5th year in Humboldt County delivering blankets to children from birth to age eighteen who need a blanket hug. To mark this occasion, Buttons in Old Town Eureka offered us space to hang our blankets for the Arts Alive event on May 6th.  In addition to hanging our homemade blankets, we hung framed pieces honoring our community donors, our Blanketeers, along with the listing of the agencies who have received our blankets in these past five years. You can see this show in the photos below. As the Chapter Coordinator, I can say that our blankets not only provide comfort to children, but they are most…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    The 2,000th Blanket Delivered

    We did it!  The 2,000th blanket was delivered recently to one of Betty Chinn’s Family Shelters in Eureka. This blanket was part of a delivery of 23 blankets, 19 of which were for boys ages 3-15 years.  Betty gives a blanket to each child when they leave her shelter and move to permanent housing. You can see the blanket below along with Betty and myself. Our Project Linus Humboldt Chapter will be five years old next month.  2,000 blankets delivered in five years to children living in our community is not bad when you consider a few of those years were during a pandemic and the last year has been…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    Coast Central Credit Union Continues Their Support

    Coast Central Credit Union (CCCU) has been by our side since our chapter began in 2018.  They have funded each CCCU Sponsorship application that I have written. Once again, I wrote an application requesting $500.00 for 2023.  Good thing I was sitting down when their staff e-mailed me asking if our Project Linus Humboldt Chapter could use $1,000.00!  They continue to be impressed with the blankets we donate to children being served by local agencies in our community and their offer certainly reflects that. You can see me receiving the $1,000. check from CCCU Marketing staff recently.  The blanket shown was made by one of our Blanketeers, Deborah Watson.   CCCU…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    The 2,000th Blanket Made

    During our January meeting at Buttons in Eureka, the 2,000th blanket came in!  You can see a picture of it below.  Our Project Linus Humboldt Chapter will turn 5 years old this May. We are a small, but mighty group of Blanketeers.  We have about 15 people who regularly make and donate blankets to us each month.  We also have about 8 people who donate blankets on various schedules.  We pride ourselves on the quality of the blankets we make and donate to agencies in our community working with children from birth to age 18. Robin Ibarra holding the 2,000th blanket she quilted for our chapter. We continue to receive…

  • Blanket Chronicles

    2022= 436 Blankets for Children

    Our small, but mighty Project Linus Humboldt Chapter had another spectacular blanket year.   436  blankets have been donated to agencies working with children and their families in 2022.  Our Chapter met monthly at Buttons in Old Town where we shared fabrics, sewing tips and created many  blankets that ended up wrapped around a child in need of one.  You can see us selecting fabric from a donation in the photo below. We think about the importance of giving to others especially at this time year.  Each year I realize that our Blanketeers give generously of their time and blanket talents all through the year….not just in December. Here are…